
Chrissy Donadi

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Crocus Flowers Showing the First Signs of Spring
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💎 10 Photography Gems to Inspire Your Next Photo | Trail Marker 04

TRAIL 2025 | MARKER 04 Hello March! March always feels like the start of a race—stretching, warming up, knowing that any moment now, the season will burst into spring greens and vibrant colors across the landscape. Winter’s quiet slumber is giving way to signs of life, and I’ve already spotted my first crocuses and snowdrops peeking through on my afternoon walks. Also, happy belated International Women’s Day to all the incredible women! 🎉 I recently shared a reel highlighting some of my...

Essential Landscape Photography Camera Gear

TRAIL 2025 | MARKER 03 I've been deep in preparation for LIVE!, which means long hours at my desk. The temperature took a huge swing into the 70s°F (20s°C), making it tough to stay indoors. But once the weekend wraps up, it'll all be worth it because I'm going to be brimming with creative sparks ready to catch fire. Every year, the energy and camaraderie from the LIVE! conference kicks my photography into high gear, and I know I'll be outside with my camera a whole lot more. In this trail...

Red cardinal in winter snow storm

TRAIL 2025 | MARKER 02 Winter’s quiet beauty has a way of slowing me down and sharpening my attention to the small details—frost patterns forming overnight, the way light transforms a familiar landscape under fresh snow. But these colder, darker days can also test my creativity. That’s why this month, I’m revisiting an article from the archives all about finding inspiration in winter’s stillness. Still, I can feel the creative rust settling in. That’s why I’m relieved that in less than two...

25 Landscape Photography Goals for 2025

TRAIL 2025 | MARKER 01 Warm wishes as we step into 2025! The last two months have been a whirlwind—ICYMI, we welcomed a new little one in November, and life has felt like a beautiful, messy transformation ever since. This year, I’m bringing that energy into a refreshed newsletter. Each edition will now follow "markers" to guide your photography and creative journey, much like trail landmarks. This month, I’m sharing 25 photography goals for 2025, a quick reminder from the archives on creating...

Hey Reader, How has your photography been shaping up this season? November turned my world upside down—but in the best way possible! My husband and I welcomed a little girl into our family. She arrived a few weeks early, so last month's photography plans had to pause as we focused on family. But good news! I’ve caught up on enough sleep this past week to finish curating this year’s list of Best Gifts for Nature Photographers. And guess what? We're still doing the giveaway, though we've...

Hey Reader, How is the fall color your way? This past week, I took some time to photograph the approaching peak colors in the mountains of Pennsylvania—where I grew up. I make it a point to return each fall because being surrounded by those autumn hues brings back so many nostalgic memories. It’s the perfect way for me to recenter before all the end-of-year festivities begin. Now that I’m back in the office, I’m excited to dive into finishing some new articles and videos to share with you...

Hey Reader, It’s that time of year again when I find myself wondering, “How is it already…?” But here we are — October is upon us, and there’s a lot happening this month! To ensure you don’t miss any of the photography news I have to share, you’ll receive two newsletters this month. In this edition, we’re diving into the first answer in my Ask Me Anything series, which addresses a common issue: syncing your Photoshop edits with your Lightroom catalog. Plus, don’t miss Out of Chicago's free...

Hey Reader, I hope you are enjoying the start of autumn! I haven't been able to photograph much the past two months so I'm looking forward to grabbing my camera with cooler temperatures, later sunrises, and the kaleidoscope of colors that are coming our way. Most of my photography time focused on finishing a big commercial project in the healthcare industry. It was exciting and daunting because it tested my knowledge and the technical limits of upscaling photos to sizes I never printed...

Hey Reader, The past few weeks have been a whirlwind. We’re still unpacking boxes in the new place, but I’ve managed to get my computer up and running on the desk in my office, so we’re functional. If you’ve sent me an email, know that a reply is coming—soon, I hope! Thanks so much for your patience. I also want to give a big thank you to everyone who participated in last month’s poll about newsletter content. Over 65% of you voted for the monthly variety pack, with Lightroom and Photoshop...

How to Speed Up Lightroom Classic Guide

Happy Friday! The heat is on! July has been a whirlwind preparing to relocate with my family from Atlanta to Washington, DC. In between the packing chaos, I managed to squeeze in a few day trips to bid farewell to my favorite spots in Georgia. Now, we’re ready to hit the road and drive all my camera gear, computer, hard drives, and printer (no way could I trust those babies with the movers) to our new place this week. I’ve never moved a printer before, so keep your fingers crossed it survives...