
Chrissy Donadi

Photography Insights | November 2022 Edition

Published over 1 year ago • 4 min read

Hey Reader,

This past month has flown by with me being in and out of the office so much. I've had quick but successful trips to the Great Smoky Mountains National Park and scouting the coastal areas of South Carolina. As we approach the holiday season here in the US, I look forward to staying home and tackling some photography projects. This newsletter feels packed this month, so it may or may not be the last issue for 2022.

But before we close, I wanted to say thank you. As artists, your encouragement means the world to us. I know your inbox is busy, and I appreciate you letting me be part of your photography circle. In the spirit of thanksgiving, I've pulled together something special for this edition. To start, I've compiled my recommendations on the best gifts for nature photographers. I know receiving anything on the list would bring a smile to my face, so I figured let's spread some cheer.

To share my gratitude, I'm hosting a giveaway of some of these best gifts. There's no purchase necessary, simply click the green entry button below. Just make sure you see all this newsletter has to offer before you do!

Finding gifts for photographers is hard. My hope with this list is to share a variety of gift options, where the majority show an appreciation for the art of photography as well as support the artist who invested in themselves to deliver a quality product. See my favorite items that the nature and landscape photographer in your life will appreciate - or you, that's right, treat yourself this season too!

Winter is one of my favorite seasons for landscape photography. I love hearing the snow crunch beneath my feet and the silence that a blanket of fresh snow delivers. But I know not everyone feels that way. The first key to falling for winter photography is to be dressed for the outing. If you are warm and comfortable out in cold temperatures, then photography can be your main focus and you'll be willing to stay outside for hours. This is my winter photography packing list to keep me and my gear warm and cozy during those cold temperatures.

As a token of my appreciation, I'm offering a giveaway featuring many items from my Best Gifts for Nature and Landscape Photographers list. Since you're already a subscriber, you get an insider bonus of not one but two entries for the giveaway. Just click the button below to submit your two entries and learn the details about the giveaway.

With shorter daylight hours and colder temperatures right around the corner, we find ourselves spending more time indoors. That makes it the perfect time to learn how to organize your image library. If you already have the course, I would be thankful if you share the sale with your friends!

Use code THANKFUL20 at checkout for 20% off my video course until December 1st, 2022.

Apple put into action its new emergency SOS feature on the iPhone this month. Since that time, I’ve heard a few folks mention how that’s going to be great when they are out photographing in locations without service. And while it is certainly better than nothing, I wouldn’t recommend depending solely on it just yet. Here’s my quick summary comparing Apple’s iPhone Emergency SOS vs the Garmin InReach Mini (my go-to device).

1.) Michele Son's debuted her new eBook Riversong, which is a 111-page learning resource for photographing at New River Gorge National Park.

2.) Not only does Dani Lefrancois run some of the best photography workshops in the Banff area, but she also expanded her artistic talents with her Woodland Creations set of decorations inspired by the Canadian Rockies.

3.) Last month, Frans Lanting and Chris Eckstrom released their publication Bay of Life: From Wind to Whales. The book celebrates their home and the natural abundance of the Monterey Bay in California and the bay's remarkable recovery showing us through images the hope of how damaged ecosystems can be restored.

4.) The Natural Landscape Photography Awards (NLPAs) announced their 2022 competition results. Congrats to Brent Clark who took home the title Photographer of the Year and all the other winners in the various categories.

5.) B&H Photo hosted their Optic West Conference. You can view the list of speakers and their presentations here and watch the videos on the B&H YouTube Channel (use the chapter markings to find the presentations you wish to watch).

6.) Wildlife filmmaker Ben Masters released DEEP IN THE HEART, a film about the diverse landscapes of Texas and the remarkable wildlife within that makes the state entirely unique. The visual celebration is narrated by Matthew McConaughey and is available to stream on Apple TV, Google Play, Prime Video, and VUDU.

7.) ICYMI, the North American Nature Photography Association (NANPA) announced that they have signed an agreement to join forces with the American Society of Media Photographers (ASMP). That's big news, and you can read more about the details here.

8.) The National Outdoor Book Awards (NOBA) announced their winning outdoor books for 2022.

Happy Photographing,


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Chrissy Donadi

Nature and Landscape Photographer, Artist, Educator, & Speaker

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